Dark Envelope

Dreams The nominal party and The run

· Lumin


It was an event planned for quite some time now, it was something I was looking forward to or was it my family and everyone invited?

In my home or rather my parents home there was to be hosted a meeting, but not of just a few people, but all our extended family plus some friends I invited, friends I don’t usually even see, friends I forgot faces long ago were there, but the ones I remember the most are the ones that usually get into my life, and in particular two people that have told me impactful stuff about my life, or life in general, about behavior.

People didn’t get one in one to the building, everything was full, people along the three floors of the house, yet it seemed like my house but it wasn’t it, it wasn’t ordered the way it should, for example, the living room and the tv was I the lowest room, which in this living reality I am now isn’t, my room or rather bedroom was rather different to the one I have too. In this altered version of reality, in this alter, my friends and everyone invited seemed a bit off, gradually they all seemed to be rather outside the house rather than in the party, but before I could even feel any of that I wanted to go out, to the backyard where some of my friends were doing drugs, probably so far my closest too, I wanted to go with them, to fly, to trip, but I could not since I was acting like a host, and I needed to check out everyone was ok in the party, reluctantly I left my friends but I told them I would be back, I went back into the home, and I saw way less people then I checked on them and again felt the uneasy vibe, my parents had this unfitting feeling as well, then after checking everyone that was left I intended to go with my friends but they were already inside the home, in the living room, just watching the tv, but it also seemed like some were playing however it was not a game only, but also a dream I had, I got curious and I sit with some of them on the couch, other were sitting in a minibar, close to us they were in some degree angered, not a lot, not even remotely close to raging, but they weren’t happy with me or my actions, then people started banishing one after other without me noticing, and when I did I got out of the house to figure out where did they went and what was happening, but that was not to be found out, or maybe in another way. I was transported as soon as I left the house to another dream.

I was in a bus with other two girls that seemed to be with me, very latino vibes but I couldn’t distinguish their faces, we were a team and what we did was run, we were runners, the makers of crime, it was in our faces and our whole aura. About to mischief we encountered a guy just crossing the streets after we got out of the bus we were on, he had a gun, and a motorcycle helmet, he was wating for us, the girls which he was aiming at tryed divergent sideways manouvers, and as he got distracted I went past him in fast moves and slided through the blockage he was making, then I kept running now for my life and to get to our objective which I didn’t know but I was soon to find out, it had something to do with a drug cartel dealing with cocaine and heroine, we were to steal from him without been really known or destroy their whole cargo, as soon as got into the warehouse I noticed I couldn’t do it alone and a group of narcos started shooting at me, then I tried to follow the street and get out and I saw a cop gaurding that entrance, I expected some help but the pointed to me and fired, I dodged it and went to a side wall which also had some massive cocaine bags, then I climbed throught them without being able to get to the top and I woke up from emotion.