Dark Envelope

A dream "Finn and Jake, beyond the lands of dreams"

· Lumin


It was so shakening I woke up repeatedly and went back to sleep to the same dream like twice.

I am Finn, but also kinda see or perceive their reality as an spectator as you would if you watching tv OE something, but instead of using a device I was living it first hand through the dream, my perception then was the dream itself and Finn.

Me and Jake have been wandering on Ooo for longer than we can remember, time in mental spaces is not quantifiable, all you have is your perception of things happening but not time itself, as time there doesn’t really exist as a palpable force, it is more like qn abstract idea you can think of and interact with (this applies to all mental spaces, you can see it in animation too). Ooo for us feels like a desert even though it is full of life, in our travels and adventures we have a lot of fun always fooling around but we both after all we have acomplished still feel empty, so we decide to take on yet another journey to fill that void, visiting all our friends on ooo.

And so we travel, we backtrack all the places we have been until we reach a small stone building, it isn’t concrete, ir is literally carved into a massive stone, that also seems to be a precious one, inside it is full of people and other adventurers, I don’t quite remember being in this place before, ooo is an everchanging world. There it was this being, it was like one of the gems of Steven Universe, colored by different tones of turquoise all around her body, I don’t remember if she had a normal face with two eyes and the eyes had diferent tones with darker turquoise in the center or if she had a vertically rotated cube as her head, either way she was one of the less notable beings in the tabern, there were all kinds of shapes and forms of adventurers there, it was a safe place for resting and also for partying, at that the tabern shifted into a saloon for that very reason, and the turquoise gem felt out of place contrary to me and my buddy.

We get out and continue our jorney through ooo, there are deserts, pink gems all moving and laying around, constructs of them like temples, dense and macabre forest as well as joyful ones, yet even in our journey to see our friends we sense the dread and void of nothing ever happening. Even as we get into enchanted ruins and pillage them for treassure once our euphoria and thrill for discovery is gone after we raided it we are met with that solid wall of inactivity, the oddest thing is that in all our travels we see everyone having fun and the time of their lives, they are so full of themselves even being around them feels like being around an full of life and energy sun, I begin to question our senses, our feelings, why aren’t we having fun? This are questions that roam my mind but I dare not ask my companion.

Eventually after visiting two or three other friends we arrive at a valley that is also like a desert it changes between states of grass and sand, and sometimes it is both at the same time, we didn’t expected to see anyone there and there weren’t living anyone that I know of, we were just passing by, yet we met someone, it was the gem lady from before, she seemed exactly the same and it was an odd encounter so we approached, then in the dream I began to experience things as the dream not Finn, the gem was also inquiring about its own life, not in an existential sense but also wondering, “is this all there is? This is pretty lame” as she was indeed very new to that world too, then she heard a voice that was not a voice, and it speak in not words but knowledge directly transfered into her, the voice had a message only for them both to listen to, but the attitude on the gem immediately changed, and her eyes now flourished with joy in realization of the understandment she gained about that world, as this was happening Finn and Jake were approaching from behind, for them no voice was heard at all. Now being back to Finn I realize something is going on, and as we come closer the gem starts talking with the voice but I don’t hear the voice at all, she says excitedly “Amazing! interdimensional planes exist out of the boundaries of time and space” and she fucking dissappears as if she was crossing through a portal but there was no visible portal, her body just gradually stopped being visible, in awe and shock we run up the small hill or dune she was on to aid her or see what happened and on top we see that on the valley there is like a face also made of the same gems (this actually shiny gems, not the color only) I assume this thing is somewhat related to her, and makes me wake up irl and within my dream and awakening I realize that it is probably the origin of the voice she talked to.

And then I had an epiphany, everyone has an adventure, even that gem seemingly so out of place was called to our world and to that very spot for very specific reasons, for events to unfold. On ooo the adventure world we have a journey to fulfill and to live too, we just haven’t been living it, we are not when we are supposed to be, where our adventure lays and is wating events to unfold around us. We go back to our house that is Jake’s house, and we get all our stuff ready, meaning we take all the shit we could use in an adventure and bag it, I am fucking euphoric, finally this world makes sense there is an adventure, an story to unfold and it is calling only me, and I realize this as the exaltation of my companion dimishes, he as unhinged as I was now is with a inexpressive eyes, and I remember that I just saw one of his kids running around the home, he had another realization, he can’t go on an adventure with me because that’s not what his heart desires the most, what his heart desires the most is his family, and the faceless expression is because he realized he made that decision a lot time ago, and I with a sight of compassion and understandment realize this too, these are my dreams after all, not his, but I keep packing my stuff and give my best friend in this world the tightest of hugs, candid, as this is also a goodbye forever. A smile in sorrow and sadness “Goodbye Jake”, and with my backpack full I clean my tears and open the first door jumping straight into my destiny.

The film deteriorates as if it were an old movie burning and las frames are of finn sleeping in some coffin-sarcophagus in the middle of space, being the very last of the frames the sarcophagus closing. Once that sequence is over the credits roll and you see machinery, giant swords and gears all moving slowly in a giant fabrication. In between of them there are all heroes, but the one I catch an eye on is spiderman, just laying in his iconic pose atop of the edge of a curved huge pipe going to the ground and I wake up.