Dark Envelope

A dream, “Beyond the curtain of reality”

· Lumin


It’s weird I don’t remember us being human, or we even living in earth, yet, what I do remember is we seemed like them, in masks, it wasn’t their world however, it was ours, with the tallest buildings and all varieties of green, and all the color you could imagine, I mention green because our helmets, our uniforms were of a special turquoise dark green that often shined as if it were made of quetzal feathers.

The first thing I remember of this dream, is that I was traveling in a bus, filled with people, it seemed like a school bus, we were going on an expedition, an excursion, I was in the back but not quite there, and people knew me and I knew them, everyone knew each other and their roles to take, who they were at least in the dynamic of that group we had. There were three colors a person could had, not on their attire or their clothing, not visible at all, but their aura, and everyone could sense it or see it, the green, the rarest, only three people had it, but we didn’t know who for sure since as the more rare it was also the most occult, then yellow or blue and finally red, these two were equally distributed just leaving out these 3 random ones, and contrary to those one could see easily which one either person belonged to, or at least, I could.

I got to the front of the bus, and met up a couple whom I felt distinct, the probably bearers of the green color, I couldn’t tell however, so I just sat there for a while, there was a guy, and there was a girl, they seemed to be a couple, if not brother and sister, they had an indiscernible aura, meaning I couldn’t tell their color, what I saw in them was just a gray mist.

We arrived to our destination, it was a tall tower, we could watch from far out, now in there, it seemed like a city on its own, yet, it was somehow slim enough to see its end at wide, we all got out, I was the first one to set foot in this new environment since I was already at the front of the only door the bus had, I was a bit hesitant at first as I saw the look in the driver’s face, we reached our destination, and we were never going to meet again, this was weird, he was fearful for us but also longing, it felt like a bitter goodbye to our whole squad.

I was the first in getting out but not the first to enter into the tower, I didn’t want to, not out of fear, but that simply wasn’t my way, I saw the couple get in and the rest mounting guard and some following them, some others came with me following me around the tower, looking for a backdoor entrance, and just around the corner there it was, up around 2 floors, but we were equipped, it seemed like a door, but it was just a window as large as such, just opened all wide unsuspecting of us dirty burglars, we didn’t have a mission per se as it is sometimes assigned, but we knew we had to reach the top of the tower, the same place the couple was going up through an elevator we would in the tubes that connected this vertical highway, or the stairs, but this is a memory I do not have. Speaking now of memories, I must mention as we were going up the dream itself was changing my clothes were changing, I was now dressed completely as a rogue as my companions which now were far fewer, and at the top there wasn’t the same couple, but there was a man that was a leader with a purple aura and his sister or concubine again, it were the same people as before, this we didn’t see, but we knew as the dream shifted, on a certain floor we stayed, and the “king” was nowhere to be found, but the girl was, the two guys that got to almost the top with me were now to prepare our exit, they did and separated one remained there in the that very same floor as the other went to the make us a hidden streamlined exit, with the girl whom I remembered now had grown to like each other set up for our last destination.

We were in the elevator, now in the inside and this seemed like a room and I saw through the window it had, and I saw the shining planets that surrounded our world, then the shining spheres stopped to shine with the reflection of their stars, or the stars that were stopped to shine, but I could still watch them, now, what arose was a shine, but not a stellar one, it was like fire, all balls of fire in the sky, and then they became an eye, and the seemingly eye of fire started to pulsate and move a bit, then it grew or got wings, not one pair but many, and finally I saw the rings, first static with golden and other fine metals and shiny minerals, then the eyes that were not of human, and then they all started spinning unable to differentiate what was craved in them, they were most blue, as if different worlds in the form of angels were looking up down to us, I was astonished, then she came next to me, grabbed me by the arm, she wasn’t frightened in the slightest - isn’t it beautiful?

I gulped - yeah, it is.

The rings stopped spinning, all static now looking at us again, their display was over, and it was now our time into the stage. I suddenly remember what I was doing there as the throne structure raised and laid just before my eyes, the guy was a commander, the major general of the army of that empire, an empire that expanded maybe even beyond worlds, the bus, it was a facade that even I forgot, just to get closer, to that very point, this empire however also and most importantly has an empress, she is the single most powerful being of that empire, I was here to kill them both, and the girl that was accompanying me was the one who wanted them both dead, she is the one who summoned me, it was their daughter.

When we finally entered the war room there was no one but the general sleeping, now with a purple aura, as the one the girl had, as I approached him to see what happened I noticed he has actually been sedated, just left there for me to kill, someone else was playing games, and then, the interesting part happened, I was aware not of this being a dream but a reality, the angels gave that clue, so, I saw all the possibilities developing one on one, the different scenarios my actions could lead to, as I saw the multiple fates of that world, of that empire, I also saw myself portrayed like in a story, in history, I was in their chants, part now of their mythology and I was green, a dark green figure, a mask that covered all my face with dark green feathers with sparkles of lighter enchanted green, a cape that in which my body hide, also green but less dark a couple of trousers over my legs of an indistinguishable color, it was fit, for sneaking, for killing, the display of a green shadow. In those visions of the history to come I saw my companions also green, we were three, in all our sightings, it read like a prophecy before it was made, interestingly enough, the couple at the beginning also was green, but they have now shifted colors.

Their world was now at my fingertips, all the possibilities, all the pathways I could take, its collapse, me falling into their play becoming prosecuted by their grasp around the worlds, chaos, order, it didn’t matter, I was just a phantom in there anyway, but one with free will, the path they intended for me to take was to simply kill the general and collect the reward awaiting me in the form of their daughter and disappearing completely from their kingdom, however, I don’t like to be manipulated, so I let the general live, with the awareness of the betrayal of his beloved, and then setting foot to the chamber of her highness, the girl, exited for the turn of events kept following me, exalted and expecting of the surprises I could come up with. Just as I opened that last door to the throne chamber, the empress woke me up, so scared, I was so close to her, in a spell I was expelled from her world.